How to Fix Drummy Tiles
How to fix drummy tiles using our tile injection re-glue system.
How can I fix drummy floor tiles?
There are two options when you come across drummy tiles in your home.
1.You can rip them all up and replace the tiles at great expense, disruption & hassle
2. You can use tile injection to restore the tiles without the need for removal. More on both options here.
It is important to understand WHY this is happening, what your options are and HOW to fix the problem.
This video clearly shows the difference before & after between drummy floor tiles and tiles injected using our tile injection system.
What causes a tile to sound 'drummy'?
A drummy tile can occur for a number of reasons:
Weather- Changes in temperature, humidity or moisture can cause tiles to shift and the substrate to expand or shrink.
Adhesion Issues- If the adhesive used to glue the original tiles down was incorrectly applied, or faulty, it can cause issues down the track. The same goes for incorrect or non-existent installation of expansion lines or an unclean or un-primed slab.
Shifts in the foundation- Sometimes, the foundation of your house moves-this can be due to seismic movements, age or movements in the ground beneath your home. This places your tiles under extreme pressure.
Wear & Tear- Often in high traffic areas of your home, drummy tiles and cracked tiles can be more prevalent, due to the wear & tear of foot traffic over time.
This video shows exactly what is going on underneath your tiles while the injection work is taking place
When a tile is under pressure and has nowhere to move, the tile and/or glue releases from the substrate, causing the tile to sound 'hollow'. The hollow sound is the void between tile and substrate.
When a tile finds itself under undue pressure from any of the above factors, it can come loose from the substrate completely. This in turn creates more pressure on the tiles around it, which can mean MORE de-laminated tiles if left untreated.
So how do we fix drummy tiles?
Barefoot Floors offer a unique system of tile 'injection' in which we can restore each de-laminated tile using a quick, easy injection process.
We identify the best area to access the 'void' beneath the tile where the tile has separated from the substrate.
We drill into the void through your grout lines, through which we pump a fine, water-borne adhesive that finds all voids and areas of de-lamination under your tiles.
Once it finds the voids, it bonds fast between tile and substrate, leaving your tile rock solid. This can be repeated for all de-laminated tiles, each only taking a matter of minutes to treat.
Once a hole is drilled and the tile is 'full', we fill the hole with a matching grout, leaving no clear marks as to where the injection has taken place.
The whole process is noise free, dust free and non-invasive, meaning you can stay in your home whilst the repairs take place.
Before & after Injection
What is the final result?
Usually tile delamination is not an isolated incident- the pressure and conditions that cause delamination do not JUST affect one area the damage WILL spread if left untreated.
Once the tiles are injected, the adhesive forms a strong yet flexible bond between the tile and the substrate once again. You will hear the difference in the sound of the tile pre-injection (hollow) and post-injection (solid).
This video shows the before and after of tiles that are drummy, once injected using the Barefoot Floors tile injection system.
So what happens after my tiles have been injected?
Once your drummy tiles have been injected, the standard 'set time' is approx 2-4 hours. Once set, you can walk on your tiles again as normal- we can be in and out and have your entire floor repaired within the same day.
All of our tile injection work is covered by a 7 year guarantee, meaning you can rest easy knowing your floor tiles are stuck solid.